Monday, 5 September 2016

Mark Zuckerberg speech at the town hall meeting in Lagos.

#copied *MARK ZUCKERBERG SAW WHAT WE DID NOT SEE IN NIGERIA:* *THE PROMISE LAND* Mark Zuckerberg’s town hall meeting with software de velopers and entrepreneurs in Lagos. Hear him: “Nigeria is shaping the whole continent and influencing how things are going to work around the world for the next generation. After being here for a short period of time, I do believe that there’s no way Nigeria will not end up shaping what is being built around the world. “The world need to see the energy in Nigeria. Here in Lagos and in the continent, things are changing really quickly. The economy is shifting from a resource-based economy into an entrepreneur- and knowledge-based economy. And you guys are the ones bringing that change not only in Nigeria but around the world. “That is the story that is under-appreciated around world. People don’t have a feel of how much energy and entrepreneurial spirit are in here.” Wow! This is awesome. This to me is a wonderful birthday gift. How come Nigeria’s leading media didn’t blow this up in their reportage? Well, I think they would rather trumpet the recession to depress the people instead of giving them this cheery news. In case you’re still in doubt, Nigeria is Truly Changing! This change has nothing to do with Buhari or Jonathan. It has everything to do with you and me. It has everything to do with the creative minds of young Nigerians daring the odds in spite of the rancorous political class which specializes in trading blames and looting the treasury. My advice to young Nigerians is to fully wake up, take our destinies into our own hands and create the future. When we change; Nigeria will indeed change the world. This is the time to do that which God has laid in our hearts. It is time to look inwards to unleash our creative genius. It is time to write that book. It is time to write that proposal. It is time to write that Business Plan. It is time to start that business that will bring jobs, happiness to the land and rescue the naira. It is time to provide creative solutions to the world. Forget recession; it is only when it is dark that the stars can rise! *IN MY LIFETIME* *Nigeria will be a World Power!* *I have seen the Promised Land.* *I will get to the Promised Land.* *I will leave Nigeria better than I met it* *WILL YOU?*

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